Things to Do Before I Go
Visit all 50 states | Eat food from a street vendor in every country I visit |Can my own pickles | Walk the Silk Road | Eat gelato in Italy with Nathan | Taste 1,000 Fruits | Dance a jig in Ireland |Grow asparagus | Be conversational in 4 languages | Throw flower bombs | Throw a Gatsby garden party | Learn how to fix clocks | Be a part of a singalong in a Scottish pub | Post a blog entry daily for a month | Go on a cruise with my sisters | Roll down a hill | Walk on a glacier | Sew a quilt | Give books | Take beautiful pictures on our trips | Go berry picking and then make pies | Get a job I love | Visit every neighborhood in Chicago | Make my own cookbook | Be happy in my body | Eat a giant lobster | Ride in a hot air balloon | Go on a roller coaster with Nathan | Read every book I own | Adopt | Hike the Appalachian Trail | Volunteer | Own a boat | Swim with glowing plankton | Sleep in a castle | Make my children their first Halloween outfits |Celebrate Burns Night| Take a 2 week vacation | Throw a tea party | Create a rooftop garden | Learn how to solder | Make a salad of edible flowers | Go on safari | Salsa dance in public | Discover a fossil | Karaoke in Japan | Hunt for clams and then have them for dinner | Throw a big anniversary party | Draw on a cave wall | Write a letter every day for a month | Take a foggy San Francisco morning walk | Gut a fish | Grow my own grapes | Celebrate Chinese New Year | Institute weird food Sundays | Continue the Leisure Games tradition for at least 20 years | Rock climb an outdoor rock face | Raise unpicky eaters | Drink absinthe in Prague | Give handmade gifts | Believe in faeries | Teach someone how to sew | Get my MBA | Be a better long distance friend | Treat those I love gently | Take baked goods to a nursing home | Send gifts on time | Focus on the positive | Start a book exchange | Participate in a flash mob | Learn Photoshop | Help at a soup kitchen | Live in another country for a year | Learn to love at least one of my least favorite foods: okra, kidneys, persimmons, refried beans, curry, salmon, liver, lima beans | Read 5,000 novels| Throw a Mad Men inspired party
Visit all 50 states | Eat food from a street vendor in every country I visit |