Friday, May 13, 2011

Hipster Animals

I think I appreciate these especially living here in Chicago where I encounter these hipster types milling around so often. (Btw, I love that the lion has one of those spacer things in his earlobe!)

I love this artist.
"I could say something about having no decent paid work in a shit economy and trying to trick myself into being busy to keep the gnawing anxiety at bay or that it’s a dry run for a book pitch or something equally half true but the number one reason anyone does anything on the internet: I want people to send me free stuff."

My kind of gal. And my kind of clever art.


  1. This is awesome. Such great attention to detail. (And the guy does sound like a gem.) As we discussed the hipster trap, here's the link to the picture - Enjoy!

  2. These are hillarious, Hanna!!

  3. The full-time etsy crafter is my favorite!

  4. Thanks for the bump, but I'm a girl.

  5. D. Moe, Thank makes it even better! Sorry for the mix-up:)
