Thursday, June 16, 2011

Happy Bloomsday!

I just love literary celebration days. It's the nerdy bookworm in me. 

Bloomsday is in honor of James Joyce's Ulysses, which honors the day all the events in the novel take place, June 16, 1904, and is named after the main character, Leopold Bloom.

There are an amazing number of events scheduled around the world today, including maps for those in Chicago, Boston, New York, DC, and LA to follow Bloom's Dublin wanderings in your own city.

My goal before June 16, 2012 is definitely to have read Ulysses so that I can go wandering down at the Bean in celebration of Bloomsday too. But no tattoos for me, I think.

An extreme celebrant of Bloomsday (Tattoo is the last line from Ulysses).
Haven't read it either? Catch up with the entire 1,000-page novel (much condensed, obviously) in tweet form @11ssyses or check out the process at the founder's blog.

First image from Imagine Ireland website.
Second photo via flickr by the queen of subtle.


  1. Ha! I am glad that the picture of the tatoo is not you:)

  2. I read another book that talked ALL about Bloomsday! Very interesting!
