Friday, July 30, 2010

I Feel Silly about This

I can't decide my reason for listening to Thinking of You over and over.  Is it truly a good song (pretty sure it is) or do I just like picturing the talented actor/singer, Christian Kane, who sings it (definitely!)?  I really can't decide (it's more likely an awkward mixture of both of these reasons).

I feel silly about it because I have a love for him that I worry may be bordering on obsession.  I formed the attachment back when I was laid off, and I DVR'd Angel every day for three months until I had watched every episode (Pathetic maybe, but I was unemployed; pathetic was my goal, my temporary career plan for those three months), but now I love him even more as a result of Leverage.  I don't feel silly about encouraging you to watch the show yourself.  It's fun to watch, and I can even convince Nathan to stick around for a full episode, which is rare.

If I find a fellow watcher, I get a little too excited talking about it, and have to mentally rein myself in.  There are only a few shows like that for me, but this is certainly one.  Anyone else have this affliction?

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